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The razzle dazzle of Independence Day celebrations makes for a plethora of creative possibilities for your graphic design projects. As with all of your designs, the challenge in designing for the Fourth of July is in coming up with a motif that is identifiable to Independence Day yet - well, independently unique from the competition. If you want your Independence Day sales to go off with a bang, try these unique Fourth of July design ideas.
When you think of Independence Day designs the colors red, white and blue immediately come to mind. With no disrespect to the great American flag, you should consider creating your Fourth of July designs in different colors to help you stand out from the competition. Keep in mind that this can be a risky move, since customers are likely to associate Old Glory's colors with Independence Day sales. If you want to be different without straying too far off the beaten path, consider varying your color hues. A bright, hummingbird blue or a lustrous maroon might be just the thing you need to be unique yet identifiable.
Fireworks are a big hit on the Fourth of July, both in the sky and on printed postcards, flyers, posters, banners and other materials. Instead of the traditional color cacophony, you can instead create fireworks in your company's colors. You can also shape fireworks bursts to mimic a logo or other attention-getting or motivational image within your designs.
Shapes add character and get noticed, especially when they're die cuts on your print marketing materials. You can print a brochure in the shape of a flag, fireworks, Uncle Sam, American Revolutionists, the United States, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty or any other symbol associated with Independence Day. For extra flair, try a flashy foil stamp with your die cut!
Postcards are one of the best tools for summertime return on investment, and multi-page brochures, catalogs, and booklets can complement your direct-mail postcard marketing campaigns to boost business all summer long. Summers are often busy for customers, true, but they'll also tend to take the leisure time to read more or view more supporting materials if your designs are interesting enough to captivate them. Remember that the quality of your printed promotions is a direct reflection on the quality of your products and services, and that the printing process can make or break your design no matter how good it is. Opt for the best-quality Independence Day printing services to make your designs light up your customers' eyes like fireworks on the Fourth of July.