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As a graphic designer you have the unique opportunity to supplement your client work with passive income in a variety of arenas. One of those is party invitation templates, which you can design in your spare time to sell over and over again. The following tips and tricks lend insight into how to get started, what to design and where to sell party invitation templates.
One of the most important first steps to take is to download party invitation layout templates, which include helpful guidelines such as bleed lines, cutlines and a marked safe area. These templates also come pre-formatted in the correct color mode, size and file resolution. They save you setup time so you can concentrate on your artwork. Best of all, they're free to download.
It is likewise important to ]]>make your designs universal]]> in the sense that it will be easy for others to swap text and photos without having to do a lot of intricate design work. People will buy your templates because they're easy to use - they save them time and money - so your party invitation templates should be laid out to make it easy as possible to customize. You also need to decide who your buyers will be, and therefore what program your templates should be able to be customized in. If you're going to sell your templates to fellow graphic designers, then industry-standard programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are good choices. However, if your intended audience is the general public you should consider making your templates editable in Microsoft Word and other popular applications.
Your party invitation templates can be sold as a niche all-in-one package, but you can potentially drum up more sales by further defining specialized sub-niche packages for different types of parties. These might include St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, ]]>birthdays]]>, retirements, ]]>weddings]]>, dinner parties, Halloween parties, Christmas parties and any other type of themed party. When you take this step, you make it easier to market your party invitation templates.
Once you've identified your sub-niche, designed your templates and created your packages, it is time to go to market. You can sell your party invitation templates as downloads on your website, via other sites such as Ebay, or print matching CD/DVD sleeves and sell them as software via distributors and brick-and-mortar retailers. With a bit of marketing savvy, it should prove relatively easy to get your niche party invitation templates noticed by prospective customers - whether your audience is other graphic designers or the general public. For the latter, it can be helpful if you also include helpful ]]>printing tips]]> for how to make their party invitation designs come out perfect when they go to press. Encouraging the use of premium, yet cost-effective paper stocks can go a long way toward getting word-of-mouth referrals and helping you earn a passive income for your templates. Remember, once you've designed them you can keep selling them without ever having to touch them again!