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Postcard printing is one of the best marketing options for businesses both small and large. Not only has postcard printing proven to be one of the most historically successful and cost-efficient ways of motivating your target customer base to respond, it has also been proven as one of the most effective ways to lure targeted visitors to your website today. Starting with a mailing list of qualified leads and developing an incredible offer are two critical indicators of postcard printing success. Package your offer in an attention-commanding design and you're well on your way to a direct-mail marketing campaign with a high return on investment. Add in the following three postcard printing tips and tricks, and you're practically guaranteed to maximize your profits.
1. Go big with postcard printing
Postcards are perfect for commanding attention at the mailbox, especially when you have an attractive design. But you can double your attention-getting prowess by printing postcards that are larger than the traditional 4-inch by 6-inch size. Try a 5-inch by 8-inch or 6-inch by 11-inch postcard to send a big message to your customers and ensure you can't possibly be ignored. When customers receive large postcards, they immediately assign more attention to them. The required investment to add size to your postcards is relatively small yet the payoffs can be huge. Remember that going big doesn't mean you should cram more information into your postcards; only that your design should be larger.
2. Printing on both sides of your postcards
Printing full color on both sides of your postcards makes sense. Not only is the investment insignificant, but common sense dictates that you should print on the back of your postcards for marketing purposes. The thought process is that postal employees deliver all mail address-side-up, which is generally considered to be the back of your postcards. You can use the left half of the back of your postcards to start your pitch, generate interest and motivate customers to turn your postcards over to read the rest. Printing on both sides of your postcards is an excellent strategy for keeping your marketing materials out of the trash can and in your customers' hands, which leads to a better return on investment and ultimately more profits for your company.
3. Watch for postcard printing deals
Keep an eye out for deals on printing postcards, which creates opportunities to do so many powerful things with your direct-mail marketing campaigns. When you take advantage of discounted postcards printing, you're able to print more postcards so you can reach a larger target customer base; you can add features such as larger sizes or UV coating to command more attention; you can save money to follow up with additional postcard campaigns; or you can simply reap the rewards of greater return on investment for your savings.