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For more than 10 years, Muttville Senior Dog Rescue]]> has been doing doggone good work, helping senior and special needs dogs find a happy home.
More than just a pet project, this nonprofit has saved more than 4,900 dogs, from Chihuahuas and terriers to poodles and pugs. Such a caring and remarkable place requires awe-inspiring marketing.
Muttville began printing its marketing with us when it first launched in 2007, and they quickly realized that PsPrint is a nonprofit's best friend.
“I've been doing marketing and branding for almost 20 years, and I will always rely on the importance of print collateral,” said Marie Rochelle Macaspac from Muttville Senior Dog Rescue.
Macaspac said she relies of the variety of PsPrint print offerings as well as the quality and affordable pricing.
“I really love the fact that I can print everything and anything,” she said. “If someone asks me, ‘Are we able to print a brochure? Are we able to print stickers?’ I know that when I look through PsPrint's products, that it's there. And I also know that the value is always going to be there. So even if we have to do a small run, I know that it's still within our budget.”
It’s not just the quality, variety and pricing that has kept Muttville as a loyal customer all these years. Our Design Services team and print experts run each printed piece through a 20-point checklist to make sure that your order looks exactly like you want it to.
“I've always felt that PsPrint makes sure that our work looks good, and I've always appreciated the fact that there is someone with a fine eye looking at my work,” Macaspac said.
Muttville found the perfect printed piece at PsPrint to promote their cause and their perfectly lovable dogs.
“One of our most popular and important pieces is an item that only PsPrint prints. It's a 3½-inch by 3½-inch card that we call ‘palm cards,’ and feature different dogs' faces. And that was a huge element to us getting our name out there,” she said. “We want our volunteers, and everyone involved with Muttville, to be part of promoting our wonderful work and our beautiful dogs.”
Macaspac said that if you are promoting your nonprofit online, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle and be forgotten. By handing out a printed piece with a striking image, Muttville is able to make an impression on people and be remembered.
“Everyone can take a stack of palm cards or brochures and pass them out around town,” she said. “We're outdoor people, so when they’re at the dog park, or they're having coffee, they can conveniently hand someone a piece of PsPrint collateral that has a cute doggy face on it.”
Featured: 11-inch by 8.5-inch brochure printed on 13-point 100% recycled matte; 8.5-inch by 11-inch, 24-page, saddle-stitched booklet printed on 70-pound matte text; 5-inch by 7-inch postcard printed on 14-point C1S gloss cover stock; 36-inch by 24-inch poster printed on 100-pound gloss cover stock; roll stickers with 1.5-inch by 1.5-inch squares with rounded corners; and Muttville’s palm cards are 3.5-inch by 3.5-inch square business cards printed on 14-point C1S gloss cover stock.
Want to share your story about printing with us? Email us with the subject CUSTOMER TESTIMONIAL. We’d love to hear from you.
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