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PsPrint accepts mailing-ready files saved in any of the following file formats: Comma Separated Delimited (.csv), ASCII text file (.txt), and Excel Spreadsheet (.xls).
Please note that if you have a mailing list in any other file format (e.g., xml), we encourage you to export your data to a mailing-ready format that can be uploaded to PsPrint.
PsPrint accepts mailing-ready files saved in any of the following file formats: Comma Separated Delimited (.csv), ASCII text file (.txt), and Excel Spreadsheet (.xls).
Please note that if you have a mailing list in any other file format (e.g., xml), we encourage you to export your data to a mailing-ready format that can be uploaded to PsPrint.
Yes. PsPrint can merge several lists together for a fee of $25 for each list.
Sending direct mail to a custom mailing list is easy, thanks to PsPrint’s mailing list service. To start, simply choose your target market. You can send mail to consumers or businesses in a zip code, state, town, or city. Or you can mail to males or females within a specific age range. With our list service, you can create a production-ready list that meets your criteria in less than 15 minutes.
Get started now at: http://www.psprint.com/mailservice/MailingList.asp
No. The United States Postal Service (USPS) has strict guidelines for mailing services. The only way PsPrint can offer you low mailing service prices is for us to inkjet standard fonts. As a result, we are not able to accept any addressing that includes italics or any other fancy typeface.
Excel spreadsheet or .XLS for short is a file format used to store date and information created in Microsoft Excel. This format is commonly used by clients to store mail list data.
Tab delimited or comma separated values or .CSV for short is a simple text file format that contains information separated by commas or tabs. Each line is one entry or record, and the fields in the record are separated by commas or tabs. This format is commonly used by clients to store mail list data.
ASCII text file or .TXT for short is a text file that contains only ASCII characters without any special formatting. This format is commonly used by clients to store mail list data.
.CSV: Comma Separated Delimited .XLS: Excel Spreadsheet .TXT: ASCII text file
Sending direct mail to a custom mailing list is easy, thanks to PsPrint’s mailing list service. To start, simply choose your target market. You can send mail to consumers or businesses in a zip code, state, town, or city. Or you can mail to males or females within a specific age range. With our list service, you can create a production-ready list that meets your criteria in less than 15 minutes.
Get started now at: http://www.psprint.com/mailservice/MailingList.asp
By default, if there are more names on your list than pieces ordered we will start at the top of your list and mail to all names until we run out of pieces or names, whichever comes first. Since we often run extra cards to ensure there are enough after potential production or processing errors, you will be charged postage and mailing service fees for any pieces mailed over the amount you paid for initially, but not for the printing of these extra cards.
You are also free to give us instructions on how you’d like the mailing run at the time you submit your mailing list. We can cut it off at the number you ordered exactly, regardless of overprints, take randomly from the list to get the right number, etc. You need to provide clear instruction and communicate this with the mailing services coordinator at the onset of your order.