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You can order printing products by following our ordering process:
1.Products & Pricing: Select the product you wish to purchase along with appropriate product options and turnaround time in the "Instant Quote" tool (located on the right side of every product page). The price will automatically adjust whenever you select different options, such as color, turnaround, or size, in the "Instant Quote" tool. Once you have determined what options you want to buy, click on the "Continue" button (located at the bottom of the "Instant Quote" tool).
2.Shipping & Delivery: After choosing your product, you will be taken to the “Shopping Cart”, where you will be asked to enter your zip code to help us determine your shipping costs. Click the “Update” button, then select your desired shipping option for the new job. A target delivery date (based on your artwork approval by 6 p.m. PT that same day) will then be displayed just below the job.
If you are satisfied with your printing and finishing options and shipping choice, click “Continue.” Otherwise, you may click “Change Options” under each section to revise your selections. You may change your delivery options right on the screen, as well as change your delivery location from the tool at the top of the page. You may also add or change mailing services.
Before you can continue placing your order, you will be prompted to log in. If you do not have a PsPrint account, you will need to take a moment to register.
3.Purchase: On the "Purchase" page, enter your Billing Address, Shipping Address and payment information in the appropriate form fields. Then be sure to review your order details to ensure everything is correct.
Next, review the Terms and Conditions, and check the box next to the phrase, "I have read and agree with PsPrint's Terms & Conditions" The final step before submitting your order is to click the "Purchase" button.
4.Attach & Approve Artwork: Once you have purchased your job, you will be brought to the “My Jobs” page. There, click on the most recently purchased job (the status will say “Artwork needs to be added”) and then follow the instructions for attaching and approving artwork.
Please note that you may need to upload multiple files, depending on your order. For example, a flyer job requires artwork for the front side of the flyer and the backside of the flyer. This will be noted on the “Job Details” page when you attach your artwork, and you will be guided through the attachment process.
Turnaround time for your print job begins once your order has been placed and your print-ready files have been attached and approved.
If you wish to order additional products, you can do so either before or after attaching and approving files for a previous order. Simply click on “Products” at the top of the page to view all of the products PsPrint offers.
You may place an order and leave it in the shopping cart without logging in. However once you proceed to purchase the job, you will be asked to log in.
If you already have an account:
If you have purchased from PsPrint before, you will need to enter your email address and password in the fields on the left side of the "My Account" page and then click the "Log in" button. If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot your password?” link.
If you don’t have an account:
New customers will need to create an account by completing the name, email address and password fields on the right side of the page.
Remember, the email address you give us is where all of your PsPrint communications—including order confirmations, special updates, and any email newsletters you sign up for—will be sent. Your email address will also be used when you log in to PsPrint.
If you cannot remember if you have an account, simply enter your email address and then click the “Forgot your password?” link to have your password emailed to you.
Yes. To upload artwork or mail list files for a future order, click the "My Artwork" button at the top of any page on our website. Then log in to your account (or register if you don’t have an account) and follow the instructions for uploading new files. The “My Artwork” page also allows you to view files you have uploaded previously. After you have ordered a job, you can attach any of your previously uploaded artwork files by going to the “Job Details” page. There you will be directed to select artwork to be attached to a job.
Yes. However, you will need to ensure that anyone accessing your account has the correct email address and password.
Since we value your trust very highly and work to protect the security and privacy of any personal information you provide to us, PsPrint will not share your personal account information with third-parties except as described in our Privacy Policy. As a result, we strongly encourage you to coordinate with others in advance if multiple people need to access your account to complete different tasks.
Yes. You can receive a price quote by selecting the product that interests you along with appropriate product options in the "Instant Quote" tool (located on the right side of every product page). The price will automatically adjust whenever you select different options, such as color, turnaround, or size, in the "Instant Quote" tool.
For a more complete estimate of your job, the “Shopping Cart” page will show the total price including shipping, and will also display the turnaround time.
You can review a complete list of products at: http://www.psprint.com/printing-products/index.asp.
If you do not see the product or option you desire, we encourage you to submit a custom quote request via our online customer service form that can be found at: http://www.psprint.com/feedback/feedbackmsg.aspx.
All product information can be found on our website. You’ll find detailed information on each product page, including paper type, size, suggested uses, and other key product information. The products are also grouped by type, so you can compare different options and choose the right one.
You can review a complete list of products at: https://www.psprint.com/printing-products/index.asp. If you still feel uncomfortable purchasing online, you should feel free to call us at 800.511.2009 during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. PT).
You can check the status of your order at any time by clicking the green "My Jobs" button at the top of any page on our website. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to do so. You can also review more specifics of your order at the “Job Details” page.
In addition, we will email you whenever the status of your job changes (e.g., your job is ready for pick-up or shipment).
We offer a range of shipping options: UPS ground, UPS 3-day select, UPS 2-day air, UPS next day air save, UPS next day air, and in select locations, air cargo and Greyhound. Pick-up is also available for those located near our facilities in Oakland, California, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and Mountain Lakes, New Jersey.
If you have a mailing list with a minimum of 10,000 contacts and would like us to mail your printed pieces directly to your contacts, we offer PsPrint Mailing Services. We will CASS certify your mailing list, remove duplicates, and mail your pieces with the postage option you choose. In addition, Mailing Services save you money, since you won’t have to have your products shipped to you.
You can check pricing for different shipping and Mailing Service options during the shipping and billing stage of the ordering process.
PsPrint is closed in observance of the following holidays:
In addition, our presses do not run on weekends. Weekends and holidays are not included when calculating your turnaround time.