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Every successful company employs brochures as an essential marketing component. Brochures are perfect for pitching your products and services to customers in a way that is concise, yet still includes enough detail to help customers make sound purchasing decisions. You can quickly feature your benefits and back up your claims with supporting evidence with a brochure. The fact that so many companies use brochures makes it that much more difficult to stand out from the competition. Innovative brochure marketing strategies are integral to crafting a winning campaign. Read on to learn how to beat your competition with high-quality glossy brochures.
Use quality paper
Despite innovations in economical printing, many companies still print their brochures on cheap paper at local copy houses or even on in-house copy machines and desktop printers. Unfortunately for them, it is difficult to produce a quality, professional brochure using these methods. The paper seems dim and the colors seem subdued on standard papers, and inks tend to smear on store-bought glossy paper. Gloss has professional impact, but only when it's done correctly. Fortunately for you, you're reading this article, so you know that professional brochure printing from online printing companies such as PsPrint is actually cheaper than the cheap papers available at office retail outlets. Add in the cost of ink and man-hours in brochure folding, and professional brochure printing is much more economical and produces brochure brilliance. So, your brochures look better — and you can print more for your money, allowing you to hit the market twice as hard as the competition.
Target your audience
You must also consider how you're using brochures to beat the competition. Many companies create one standard brochure that they use in all communications — bad idea. Like all marketing mediums, brochures are most effective when they're highly targeted, which is why you should develop and print every kind of brochure applicable to your business. Brochure types include leave-behinds, point-of-sale brochures, inquiry response brochures, direct mail and sales support. Know how to use each brochure type to your advantage, and you'll have marketplace leverage.
Get creative with design and sizing
Other techniques for beating your competition with brochure marketing include implementing atypical brochure design layouts, extra-large brochure sizing and straying from the traditional tri-fold brochure. A brochure with two, four or six folds can be more effective simply because they're different, which makes your company appear different. Superb copywriting is also a must, as well as the inclusion of tried-and-true sales strategies such as a great offer, a call to action and value-added incentives such as coupons. Beating your competition with high-quality glossy brochures isn't difficult. Intelligently apply what you've learned about brochures. Develop brochures that are task-specific, define your audience well, and let professional brochure designers and printers take care of the rest. Don't be afraid to break convention — often, the most intriguing brochures achieve the best results.