Temperatures might be cooling off, but Labor Day remains a hot sales day for many companies. The secret to successful Labor Day sales is knowing what the customer wants. So what do customers buy on...
Knowing that your customers like to party, shop or work on household projects during Labor Day is one thing; understanding how to get them to make a purchase from you is quite another. Effective...
Ask any good marketer what, if all other things are equal, is the most effective way to turn marketing investment into sales and they'll say the ability to attract attention and differentiate...
Labor Day presents special challenges when it comes to developing a unique and compelling graphic design for your marketing materials that's relevant to the holiday. Many Labor Day designers...
In the United States, Labor Day was born out of Canadian labor disputes in 1892 and deemed a federal holiday in 1894 as part of the country's response to railroad and union disputes that led to...
Founded as a holiday to honor the hard-working Americans that form the foundation of the United States, Labor Day is a celebration of the ability to enjoy the payoffs that hard work brings. There are...
Labor Day might be a holiday to honor the men and women of America for all their hard work, but that doesn't mean there's any shortage of it for graphic designers. Many businesses try to...
Labor Day serves as a day of rest and as a reminder that the summer is drawing to a close, but that doesn't mean you should relax your marketing efforts. This is a prime time for snagging holiday...