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Knowing that your customers like to party, shop or work on household projects during Labor Day is one thing; understanding how to get them to make a purchase from you is quite another. Effective Labor Day marketing requires excellent Labor Day design skills. Whether you're exploring a Labor Day theme to sell party cups or want to get customers in the mindset to make an otherwise-unrelated purchase, you can put your designs to work to make this day of rest a personal sales best with these unique Labor Day ideas.
The concept of using the return to school in your Labor Day marketing plans isn't original, but the creative use of this device can be rather unique. Brainstorm ways in which your product or service is relevant to the back to school motif. Chances are you can find an angle to promote for even the most obscure product or service: "When will the competition learn that you can't win loyal customers with bad products?"
Americans love football. Baseball might be considered the national pastime, but the numbers say football is the ]]>most popular sport]]> in the United States. Football season is just kicking off when Labor Day rolls around, so you can base your design theme around it - but don't just settle for any old football-based promotion. Come up an incredibly unique idea that sets you apart from the competition and is relevant to football and Labor Day. If you absolutely can't think of one, try humor. For example, a full-color postcard might read: "You wouldn't use your SuperPower Mower to stir your Labor Day potato salad ... but you could use it to mow Soldier Field."
... and so is Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Even though the real cold is still a few months away, most homeowners are beginning to think about how they can batten down the hatches while temperatures are bearable. Thus, you can draw on any of these seasonal and holiday themes to tie into your Labor Day designs - and potentially re-purpose the same themes later in the year for an established branded effect.
Last but not least, never forget that the spirit of American workers is what Labor Day is all about. Partying, cookouts, friends, family, rest, relaxation, work and patriotism: These are all themes you can explore in your Labor Day designs that your customers will relate to. If you're targeting a specific type of worker, see if any annual industry standards apply. For example, small business owners often have to contend with third-quarter taxes after September, so Labor Day would be a good time for accountants to launch a promotional campaign. Labor Day is set aside for American workers to take a day off, but in reality many Americans are on-the-go all day. This is great for Labor Day graphic designs, because you're not limited in direction. Juice up your imagination and let it spill out all over your screen to craft a creative and compelling concept for your Labor Day designs.