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Cheap catalog printing is one of the best ways to run a direct-mail retail or wholesale business - in fact, many companies hang their hats on this marketing strategy alone. They depend on the power of convenience to grow their businesses. You can likewise take advantage of cheap catalog printing to grow your business whether you're a startup seeking a steady customer base or an established company seeking new customers. The best part is that you can print high-quality catalogs on the cheap when you incorporate the right printing techniques.
First and foremost, the answer is convenience. When your customers receive your catalog, all they have to do is flip through the pages to see what you offer. They don't have to shop around town or even conduct tedious online searches if your catalog includes what they want. Catalog marketing also takes advantage of impulse purchasing. It's not the same type of purchase made in supermarket checkout lines; however, catalogs can easily make customers aware of new products they'd love to own and then offer a direct way to buy. Last but not least, your catalogs negate the competition, especially if the competition does not engage in catalog marketing. They lend the impression that you are at the top of your field (you can afford catalog printing, after all) and with the right offers, design and copy they leave customers with no reason to even check the competition.
The quality of your catalog - from the colors to the paper - will dictate how customers perceive the quality of your products and customer support team. Some companies think that it costs tens of thousands of dollars to send a single quality full-color catalog run, but the truth is you can print 1,000 20-page full-color catalogs to send to your customers for less than 80 cents each. Up that count to 20,000 and your price is a little more than a quarter each. The key to printing cheap catalogs is in comparing your printing options and pricing, which you can do instantly with PsPrint's catalog price tool. Print a smaller catalog, such as 5.5-inch by 8.5-inch, go with full color for effect, and print on 80-pound gloss text paper for a professional sheen that demonstrates quality. Pay attention to your price-per-piece and calculate your return on investment. Intelligent use of layout, images, design and copy vastly increase the likelihood that your catalog will be conducive to earning sales. If you sell thousands of products but do not have the budget for a 200-page catalog, you can print a catalog with a smaller page count that features your mainstay items and specials and then asks customers to log on to your website to see your full selection. This is a technique employed by even the largest direct-mail catalog companies to entice interest and keep costs low. Always keep in mind that direct-mail catalog marketing is an investment, not an expense, so the final result (profit) is far more important than the initial cost.