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Play dates have been growing in popularity ever since the first kid asked the second kid, "Can I come over to your house and play?" Today, play date cards make it easy for parents to quickly exchange contact information to set up play dates - and expediency is necessary when you're juggling work, home life, kids, cooking, laundry, hobbies, sports, school and everything else under the sun. Since play date cards have become so popular, the last few years have witnessed a broad range of styles, layouts and designs. Your play date cards should be designed with fun in mind, because play dates are fun, after all, and should reflect who you and your family are. That way it's easy for other parents to remember you when you exchange play date cards, and it's easy for your children - and you - to make new friends and set up play dates! If you want truly unique and original play date cards, try the following tips and tricks:
If you're going to design your own play date cards, you'll want to make sure your design stays within the guidelines set by your printer's printing press. You can download a free layout template for your play date cards from PsPrint, which include lines for your safe area, cuts and bleeds. Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with these terms: The templates provide clear directions and can be opened in just about any editing program for your convenience. They'll make it easy for you to ensure that your play date cards print exactly as you intend them to.
Some play date cards have bland white backgrounds with an animal icon, others are a tad more creative with a color background; but if you want to be really creative you can take an action shot of you and/or your kids hard at play and make it your background. You can get a shot from the soccer field, from a snow-covered sledding hill, from the monkey bars or jungle gym, from inside your play room at home - or doing anything else you love to do as a family. This adds a touch of unique personality to your play date cards that most others miss.
Most play date cards include a name and some contact information, such as a phone number or e-mail address. More inventive play date cards also include the names and ages of children, a family website URL or a ]]>Facebook]]> page. You can do even better by turning the back of your play date card into an information sheet that lists the hobbies, likes and dislikes of each family member who will be involved in the play date. This makes it easy for to help break the ice during play dates by suggesting common activities between shy or overaggressive children.
There's no reason to settle for inferior printing practices when you can have your play date cards professionally printed for less than you'd pay for the paper and ink on a desktop printer. Choose from various options to personalize your play date cards, from premium gloss paper stock to recycled matte paper stock, foil stamps, and die cut shapes for an original look none of your social acquaintances will forget!