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Many companies take advantage of the unique selling power of sales data sheets to drive sales through the roof. You can make sure that your company's sales data sheets are eco-friendly through techniques afforded by modern printing technology and by implementing green business practices. Since many customers are making purchasing decisions based on the green activities of the companies they buy from, sales data sheets offer an incredible opportunity to earn more sales. Here's your guide to going green with sales data sheets:
Soy-based inks are far less damaging to the environment than traditional petroleum-based inks, since soy inks emit lower levels of volatile organic compounds during the drying process. Soy inks also spread farther, thus reducing the amount of VOCs released and are capable of rendering brighter, more vivid colors that make your sales data sheet designs pop off the page with brilliance.
Together with soy-based inks, recycled paper stocks offer the easiest way to go green with sales data sheets. For a thick and eco-friendly sales data sheet, go with 80-pound matte cover stock that's recycled. For a lightweight sales data sheet, opt for 70-pound matte text stock that's recycled. These paper stocks allow you to go green without sacrificing the quality of your image and presentation.
Recycle old sales data sheets for an all-around eco-friendly environment. Not only will you help conserve the environment, you might save money, since many communities offer free recycling pick-up but charge for garbage services. You can also use your sales data sheets to encourage others to recycle.
If your company has a green agenda, you should be proud of your eco-friendly business practices. Your sales data sheet can double as a public relations message. You could use the back of your sales data sheet to detail your business practices, relay some facts about the global green agenda or add value by including a perforated tear-off that lists the green practices your customers can implement at home to help the cause. You can also include logos from green organizations to lend credibility to your message.
For repeat sales data sheet print jobs or those that have minor changes, consider getting an electronic proof to reduce paper waste, delivery vehicle emissions and postage packaging waste. An electronic proof won't definitely match color, but it will give you a very good idea of what the printed sales data sheet will look like. As always, for first-time project runs or those with major changes, you should always get a hardcopy proof. Though going green with sales data sheets is relatively quick and easy, it can have a huge effect on the environment. As a business with a green agenda, you should take advantage of sales data sheets as excellent opportunities to save the environment, enhance your public image and increase sales.