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This is the third article in a five-part series that details exactly what you need to market your fitness center and make it a success. The 40/40/20 rule of direct marketing states that 40 percent of your success is based on the quality of your mailing list, another 40 percent is contingent on the perceived value of your offer, and the remaining 20 percent is everything else. But if you can't properly articulate your offer or speak to your customers, they might not even understand what makes you so special. This is why harnessing the power of copywriting is so important to your fitness center marketing success.
Craft a powerful headline - Your headline is the introduction to your marketing piece. It tells your membership whether it's worth reading on, which is why it's so important to craft a powerful headline that gets attention, elicits curiosity and motivates response. Headlines play on emotions and solve problems or address your audience's desires or fears. When possible, include your offer in your headline, since your offer is integral to the success of any direct-marketing piece.
Highlight your benefits - Postcards are likewise extremely cost effective and are a great way to get potential members to take a closer look at your fitness center.
Develop an incredible offer - Membership discounts, free limited-time memberships, and reduced class or entry fees are all examples of offers your target audience might respond to.
Motivate with a call to action - A call to action tells your members exactly what they need to do next to take you up on your offer. Be very specific and provide several ways to respond (call a phone number, visit a website, visit your fitness center, etc.).
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