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Easter is a hot sales season as summer's sunshine looms on the horizon and bountiful baskets are left for gleeful children in the early morn. Yet despite the plentiful sales potential, Easter marketing can be a challenge when you're trying to stand apart from the competition. The following Easter marketing tips will help you spring to a great start.
Most Easter marketing materials have some form of the Easter Bunny, colored eggs, springtime pastels or perhaps a religious theme. These are all well-recognized symbols of Easter, and so you can gain instant recognition for your Easter sales by employing them in your promotions. Postcards, banners, posters, flyers and brochures can all feature these symbols; and you can also incorporate these themes into an event featuring a special guest. The trick is to pull it off without looking just like everyone else - so forget the pastels for your eggs or redo your logo in pastel colors, so that your marketing materials are strikingly different but no less effective.
Easter is often considered a celebration of renewal, of new beginnings, and so it presents the perfect opportunity for re-branding your company and demonstrating how your products and services can "renew" your customers' lives. Spring is working to transition the winter chill to summer heat, and many celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, so this theme is likely to resonate with your entire Easter audience, Christian or not.
Most U.S. customers have been boarded up from the winter chill and are itching for a chance to get out and do something as spring thaws the frost, and an Easter-inspired event might be just thing you need to get those customers to come to your place of business. Easter egg hunts, egg races, coloring contests, and photos with the Easter Bunny are common contemporary marketing promotions.
How many times have you heard a business owner complain that direct marketing doesn't work - and then go on to reveal that they tried one postcard campaign to an arbitrary list and gave up? It happens all the time, and it's a business killer. Direct marketing - specifically direct-mail marketing - is one of the most effective ways to boost sales. That's why all the big companies engage in it. Do you think that Microsoft would launch direct-mail campaigns if they didn't work? You want to head off the competition this Easter, so begin your marketing early and often to steal the show. Send a couple of postcards, a catalog, a brochure or a booklet in the weeks preceding your promotion. Complement your print mail campaign with poster, flyer and door hanger distribution.
It's no secret that customers equate the quality of your marketing materials with the quality of the products and services you provide. For this reason, it is imperative that you do not squander the rest of your direct-marketing investment by printing flimsy, poor promotions. Don't panic - you can get superb quality printing at amazingly affordable prices for just about any of your Easter marketing needs. Get pricing for all of your direct-mail marketing needs from PsPrint's instant price tool.