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Save-the-date magnets are powerful tools for marketing, and they're also great reminders to make sure everyone RSVPs to your next big event. The following lists five events that will get more RSVPs from save-the-date magnets, and how you can design each to get attention and motivate response.
1. Weddings
Save-the-date magnets are perfect for weddings because you're sending them to family and friends who will, in most cases, immediately and automatically place your save-the-date magnets on their refrigerators. Every time they go for a glass of milk, they'll be reminded of your wedding as well as the need to RSVP. You can generate more response for your wedding by sending save-the-date magnets in your invitation cards that simply say “Please RSVP by DATE.” The gentle reminder won't be ignored by most.
2. Graduation parties
When high school or college graduation rolls around and you want everyone to come out, you can find yourself competing with hundreds of other graduates for your guests' time and good spirit. Save-the-date magnets can ensure that your graduate's party is the first priority this year. Just like wedding invitations, you can stuff your graduation invitations with save-the-date magnets that have a photo of your graduate with a polite request to RSVP by a certain date.
3. Anniversary parties
Anniversary parties, unlike graduation parties, do not come at the same time of the year for everyone. To boot, anniversary parties are only held every so often – which can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, they're very important commemorative engagements. On the other hard, they're scarce and so somewhat difficult to remember. But not with save-the-date magnets! Send your save-the-date magnets with a photo of the honored couple and a request to RSVP.
4. Birthday parties
Birthday parties for children and adults can easily be lost in the mix of week-to-week busy lives. But when you send save-the-date magnets with a request for RSVPs you can rest assured that your birthday party won't go unnoticed this year – or probably ever again, since your unique save-the-date magnets will be long remembered. Include the actual date of the party in a large font along with RSVP instructions on your save-the-date magnets for best results.
5. Business events
Business events are different from the other events described here. They're less personal, for one, and there won't be any guilt for not attending. That's why save-the-date magnets can be especially useful for attracting potential customers to your event. Start by making your save-the-date magnets useful – perhaps a sports schedule could be employed with your target audience. Reserve a portion of your save-the-date magnets to espouse the benefits of event attendance, along with a large-font date and a mechanism for RSVPs. By making your save-the-date magnets useful, you can be sure they'll be placed on the fridge. By making the benefits of attendance clear, you can entice attendance. By placing a time-limited RSVP call to action, you can increase RSVPs and attendance, and turn your business event into a success.