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Going green saves money, enhances your public image and protects the environment. With so many valuable benefits, many companies are making the switch to eco-friendly business practices. Door hangers offer the perfect opportunity for implementing green strategies into your marketing campaigns — in fact, it's incredibly easy to go green with door hangers. Here's how:
When you print your door hangers using soy-based inks, you dramatically reduce volatile organic compound emissions (VOCs) during the drying process, especially when compared to traditional petroleum-based inks. In addition, soy inks spread farther, further reducing the amount of VOCs released and the overall amount of ink needed. Plus, as an added bonus, soy inks are brighter and more vivid than petroleum-based inks, so you can achieve striking colors easily.
Not only should you recycle old door hangers, you should encourage your customers to recycle your door hangers as well. Many people who otherwise overlook recycling will do so when prompted, especially when you remind them that municipal recycling pick-up is often free, as opposed to paid trash pick up.
Instead of driving around town with your door hangers, head out on foot. You'll save on vehicle exhaust emissions and get in shape at the same time. Take a friend or coworker for company and make a day of it. If your area is too large to handle on foot by yourself, spread distribution out throughout several days or employ the helps of coworkers, friends and family to blanket your town in no time.
Use a portion of the back of your door hangers to tell the story about your company's green efforts, and how your customers can join in the eco-friendly movement. Include logos from relevant green resources: soy, green and recycling associations, for example. If you spread the word, you'll not only get a PR boost, you might persuade others to adopt eco-friendly practices as well. Going green can be easy, especially when you implement simple eco-friendly solutions such as green door hanger printing and distribution. With so many benefits, there's no reason why you shouldn't consider going green with your door hangers: better image, better sales, better environment — it's a win-win-win situation. Implementation is easy. Now all you have to do is take the first step.