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How to Use a Street Team for Sticker Marketing

resources imageThere are many ways to distribute stickers to create excitement about your business and your product or service. You can use a technique that has been used by the independent music industry where artists and labels have to be even more innovative due to increased competition and escalating costs for promotion. The indie music industry relies heavily on street teams.

Street teams spread the word

Street teams have proven to be an effective way to get consumers at the street level. They are made up of your most devoted customers, volunteers (such as family and friends) and hired help. The main job of a street team is to spread the word about you; however, attracting attention isn't limited to word of mouth anymore. In the music industry, giveaways (free promotional items) are used by street team members as bargaining chips. These include magnets, buttons, music, concert tickets, backstage passes, and yes, even stickers. These reward the fans for their attention and to do things that they normally do anyway such vote on the radio, request a song to be played and let their family and friends know about a new artist or group they are into. Street teams are a low cost way to increase visibility.

Use stickers as your promotional itemresources image

You can also organize your own version of street-level marketing and street teams using your eye-catching sticker as your free promotional item. Usually, each team will be organized by someone on your staff, a family member or a friend. Through them, you can recruit even more members. Most members of your street team will not usually be paid but might work in exchange for a small commission or prize (including free products or services you provide). Your loyal customers, family and friends will most likely do it because they believe in your business. One advantage of organizing and using a street team is that your stickers will be properly distributed and used. You can even have them collect contact information such as e-mail addresses, or have them administer short surveys using stickers as the motivation.

Social networking potential

Finally, while everyone in your street team is useful, younger people are especially handy when it comes to high social networking potential (SNP). SNP has always been crucial to viral marketing and is the measurement of how influential a person is and how receptive others are to this person. Therefore, using individuals such as youth with their high SNP is recommended in your viral sticker marketing campaign. High SNP individuals are always enthusiastic about sharing whether it is forwarding e-mails or passing out eye-catching freebie stickers.