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Whether you're having a huge grand opening, planning a publicity stunt, hosting a holiday sale or undertaking some other major sales event you know that you won't get customers unless you get the word out. One of the best ways to blanket your target customer base is by printing and mailing business invitation cards. Since they're invitation cards and not sales letters, they lend an air of prestige and legitimacy to your business and help your customers feel like VIPs. And these things lead to customer loyalty, brand recognition, and increased sales and profit. To that end, here are four ways to make your business invitation cards captivating.
This is true for all marketing materials, not just your business invitation cards. You should always put your offer in your headline to get attention and motivate customers to open your cards and ultimately take the next step in the purchasing process. So, instead of writing something like "You're Invited to Our Grand Opening," you should write "You're Invited to Enjoy a Free Entrée at Our Grand Opening." And if you know your target audience exceedingly well, you might write "You're Invited to Enjoy the Catch of the Day - Free At Our Grand Opening." The more detailed you are with your initial headline and offer, the more likely you are to win customers. Even better: Begin your pitch, headline and offer on your envelope to entice recipients to open it and read your card.
Ever notice how many funny commercials are on television, how many slapstick billboards are dotting the landscape? That's because humor sells. It serves as a nice break in the day and with the right pitch becomes a hilarious conversation piece that spreads knowledge of your products via word-of-mouth, the best advertising on the planet. See if you can infuse some humor into your business invitation card designs, and watch the customers roll in.
Instead of a three or four panel folded card, try sending a postcard as your business invitation card. You can print postcards even cheaper than the already-affordable business invitation cards, and customers don't have to open an envelope or card to get to your special offer. In fact, postcard-to-website marketing has been proven to one of the most effective ways to market a business today; so if you want to differentiate yourself from the competition you can employ this marketing strategy as part of your overall invitation campaign.
A well-targeted mailing list, a killer offer and dazzling design are useless - wasted investments - unless they're delivered on professional-grade paper and printed with pro inks. Customers equate the quality of your products and services with the quality of your marketing, so choose a very nice, super-thick 16-point glossy cover stock or elegant 13-point recycled matte cover stock and have a professional printing company such as PsPrint print your business invitation cards for the best possible return on investment.