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Savvy businesses put stickers to good use as branding tools, powerful direct-mail motivators, conversation starters and time savers to boost profits. ]]>Successful sticker marketing]]> depends on three things: the affect of your message, the distribution/placement of your stickers, and the eye-catching quality of your design. Regardless of where your sticker is placed or what your message is, it won't be read unless your design is nothing short of dazzling. Try these tips for creating marketing stickers designed to sell.
One of the first tenets of smart marketing sticker design is to keep it simple. Stickers are not brochures, booklets, or catalogs; in fact, they command less reading time than the typical business card. That's why your design should be simple so that it is easy to read and understand.
Your sticker colors should contrast to earn attention and stand out from surroundings. You wouldn't want to place a white sticker on a white background, so choose an eye-catching and unique color to help your stickers pop out at passers-by. Yellow, pink, purple, orange, and bright blues and greens are good colors for this. You also want your text and any images to contrast against your sticker background, such as it is with black typeface on yellow backgrounds. You don't have to sacrifice originality to create bright, attention-getting stickers - play with different shades and hues to get a marketing sticker that is uniquely your own. That's branding!
Your marketing stickers don't have to be minuscule add-ons to products and filing cabinets. Instead, design large die-cut stickers that can be placed anywhere to grab attention: vending machines, windows, doors, street posts, cars and more. Make your sticker part of the scenery in an unusual or funny fashion to capture the collective imagination of your customer base and generate free word-of-mouth advertising.
Marketers know that if you can add value to your promotions you're more likely to earn a return. You can add value to your marketing stickers by turning them into desk calendars, convenient conversion charts or other items useful to your target audience. Make sure your logo and name are prominently displayed, and you have a marketing tool that works for you every day of the year. No matter how you design your marketing stickers, be sure to place them where your target customers are likely to notice them. Don't be afraid to have a bit of fun with them, because your ability to stand out from the norm is what will win sales. When you're ready to print stickers, choose a high-quality printer such as PsPrint to have them printed on high-grade white vinyl with matte finish on a convenient crack and peel backing. The quality sticker printing is affordable, and it will resist fading and weathering while making it easy to quickly affix your marketing stickers almost anywhere.