Starting a company takes a lot of planning and wise decision-making in order to lay a foundation upon which success can be built. Walking blindly into starting business not only results in poor...
All businesses must invest in marketing before they can turn a profit. There are so many marketing avenues available, making it difficult to decide where to concentrate your marketing efforts to...
Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise primed for growth, you'll likely need to raise capital at some time during the business life cycle. Raising capital can be tricky and...
Paper is an important part of our daily lives. Whether it is a magazine or newspaper, school program or business cards, paper is an essential element in business and other applications. Using paper...
Most small business owners try to cut costs wherever they can to make their businesses profitable. Marketing is a necessary part of the budget of any small business. Marketing brings in new customers...
Ancient civilizations used stenciling to create negative images on cave surfaces thousands of years ago. Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used pigment forced through or over an object to decorate...
Although we may not realize it, many people work best when they can visually arrange thoughts or ideas. Graphic organizers are a method of accomplishing exactly this. They are versatile enough to be...
A print is a graphic image that is created by pressing a positive or negative impression coated in ink onto a surface, usually paper. The main components of every print are the printing surface, the...
History of the Printed Newspaper Our history of the printed newspaper includes:The first newspaper (when were newspapers invented?) The history of newspapers in America The future of newspapers in...