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Planning any direct-mail postcard campaign might seem like a daunting task, but with the proper strategy it can be easily accomplished. The primary goal of any marketing campaign is to locate and target a solid customer base that will ultimately generate revenue for your company. There's more to a successful direct-mail campaigns than just creating a great design. When planning your next direct-mail postcard marketing campaign, there are four important factors to keep in mind:
The most essential factor for any direct-mail postcard marketing campaign is getting your message to the right people. The goal is to connect with your target audience; the people who want and need what you have to offer. If you're marketing to existing customers, you should already have a database that will serve as your mailing list. If you're trying to attract new customers, you'll need to acquire a new database. Creating a new prospect list can be a long and arduous process, and you'll save time and headaches by working with an integrated printing and mailing partner such as PsPrint. A integrated partner can help you compile a high-conversion mailing list by reviewing important demographic factors such as location, home ownership or rental, gender, age, income and any other determinant you might need. When the process is finished, you will have a mailing list that has been strategically designed to reach your potential customer base.
The look of your postcard reflects on your company, and will ultimately determine whether or not new prospects will take the time to read your offer and respond to your call to action. Your goal is to represent your business in the best light possible by sending out a high-quality product. Determine the theme of your postcard, relate it to your company and your offer, and use appropriate graphics, images and colors to drive the point home. Your copy, or the text of your postcard direct mailer, should be concise and to the point. Make sure your prospects know about your offer right away. Use powerful phrases and headlines that motivate readers to take action, define your product and how it solves your prospects' problems through features and benefits, extend a great offer, and deliver a powerful, immediate call to action.
Once you have your mailing list and the postcard design complete, it's time to have the postcards professionally printed and mailed. A full-service printing company, such as PsPrint, will be able to serve all of your needs for both printing and bulk mail services. The inherent benefit is having two important jobs finished in one location, which will also help you avoid the extra cost of working with two separate companies.
Mailing one postcard is effective; mailing even more will serve to increase awareness of your company and what you have to offer. Repetition sells. If you get your logo and brand in front of targeted prospects on a regular basis, then your company will be the one they think of when they need the products and services you offer. Following up with a second or third postcard will also increase the chances that your message will be seen and read by every intended recipient. In fact, some studies indicate that consumers must be exposed to a new product, brand or company as many as seven times before they'll make the first purchase. Last but not least, make sure your postcards incorporate some way of tracking results so you can determine how effective your promotion is and use those results when planning your next direct-mail postcard marketing campaign. Maintain a database that includes specifics about your postcard design, special offers and, most importantly, the response you receive. With these simple suggestions, it is easy to put together a complete and effective professional direct-marketing postcard campaign.