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Presentation folders are more than a vehicle to store information; they're a symbol of your organization. Your image is embedded in your presentation folder, your philosophy emblazoned front and center. That's why your presentation folder design is so important. As the portal to your important sales information, proposals and other data, your presentation folder must tell your customers who you are before they even open it to see what's inside. The following presentation folder design essentials will put you on the fast track for designing an influential presentation folder that will define your organization for years to come.
Presentation folders are unique because they're cut, folded and slit to specific specifications. In order to ensure all of your presentation folder design elements are properly aligned on the final printed piece, you should take advantage of readily available professional presentation folder templates, which include a layer indicating your safety area, cutlines and bleed lines for your folder front, back and inside flaps.
When it comes to presentation folder design, you must consider the end goal. Is your presentation folder to be used for everything or for one specific product or service pitch? Tailor your design to match its purpose. Extravagant designs can work, especially when pushing a particular product; but in many cases a logo with some simple graphic accents will do the trick. Make sure your presentation folder design matches the materials inside for a cohesive appearance.
Originality is key to a creative presentation folder that not only tells the world who you are, but attracts attention and entices prospects to see what's inside. A centered logo can certainly work, but you might be able to enhance your image by placing a large cross section of your logo, product or service in the background. Taglines are another element worth considering for inclusion on your presentation folders. Remember that your design is not limited to the folder front. You can try extending your elements around to the back of your folder or even to the inside of the folder, which can help draw your readers in.
The inside flaps of your presentation folder allow you to expand on your message in a succinct way and should be given as much attention as your front design. Contact information, logos, taglines and more can go on your flaps. You can even create a unique frame to go around business cards inserted into flap slits for a trendy and creative effect that gets attention. Your presentation folder design is vital to your organization's image. Be creative and unique by following these presentation folder design essentials.