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Sticker printing is a cost-efficient way to promote your business and boost brand recognition. Consider the following sticker printing techniques to ensure your stickers look as great off the press as they do on your computer screen.
Printing your stickers on white vinyl with a gloss finish will help the stickers stand up to the elements because they're tough and water resistant. The last thing you want is for your stickers to disintegrate the first time it rains, so choose gloss vinyl for your sticker material. Choose a vinyl sticker that has crack and peel backing for easy removal so your customers can effortlessly affix your brand to anything they'd like.
Fade-resistant inks dramatically increase sticker longevity, thereby increasing your return on investment. The longer your sticker is noticed, the more influence it has. Go with fade-resistant inks that are rated for at least six months under normal use for best results.
Die-cut stickers command attention. Having your stickers die cut is one of the fastest and most affordable ways you can increase the value of your sticker. Browse a die-cut gallery for ideas or to choose a pre-formatted die-cut shape. You can also easily create your own custom die cut. PsPrint has hundreds of die cuts, great for your stickers or for inspiring your custom die-cut sticker designs.
Make sure you get a hardcopy proof of your sticker before you send the entire job to press. You want to make sure you didn't miss any typos or design flaws before you commit, and a hardcopy proof is the single best way to do this.
The more stickers you print, the less your cost per sticker. Order enough stickers for your entire campaign at once to save money, and think ahead - will you be using these same stickers next month? Next year? Remember, the more you order, the more you'll save. Sticker printing can be a very rewarding and cost-efficient way to market a product, service, brand or company. Make sure you print your stickers on vinyl with fade-resistant inks for lasting power that sells, have your stickers die cut for instant attention, get a proof to double-check your layout placement and text and print in volume to save money. Following these sticker printing techniques will help you maximize your return on investment during your next ]]>sticker campaign]]>.