
Using Stickers to Create Product Evangelists

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Stickers are a great idea for the center of your viral marketing campaign. They are a fun and sought-after giveaway that increases your visibility exponentially. You might be 100 percent sold on the idea; however, you might be concerned about how to first distribute your eye-catching promotional items. Why not start with your loyal customers and create your own customer evangelists. Customers who are already enthusiastic about your product or service are your best source of successful word-of-mouth business. Furthermore, converting these loyal satisfied "product/service evangelists" or "brand advocates" into an effective marketing force to distribute your stickers isn't as big a leap as you might think.

First, satisfy your customers

Marketing studies have shown that businesses that focus on building word of mouth and have the big picture in mind experience faster growth. The challenge is building a full-fledged marketing force. Of course, having satisfied customers because of your superior product or service and customer service is your first objective. Here are some reasons why:

  • Just as most consumers are loyal to specific brands from clothing to cars; satisfied customers can also be a reliable source to support your business.
  • You will be continually cementing your relationship with your happy customers through regular (though not persistent) communications with them.
  • Your customers already love to talk. Stickers can build amazing excitement for them to talk about.
  • Stickers are a great way for your existing customers to show they support your business by proudly displaying them.

Tips for using your promotional stickersresources image

Subsequently, you can use the tips below for using your eye-catching promotional stickers to create your own customer evangelists. Remember, everyone loves stickers so your most loyal customers will love them, too.

  • Gather customer feedback after your make a sale. Whether it is positive or negative, it contributes to the bigger picture.
  • During your ]]>sticker promotional campaign]]>, make it a point to listen to their experiences in acting as your product evangelists (PEs) and share the experiences to your other customer PEs as well.
  • Don't be sparing about the quantity of stickers you provide your PEs. In order for your campaign to be viral, they will need to distribute them to many people and place them on as many items as they are willing to, not just their car bumper. Don't worry; stickers are low-cost promotional items and easy to reorder.
  • Create a feeling that your PEs belong to a larger community of your customers. Make them feel good about talking about your business and providing promotional items to anyone interested.
  • Give back to the community. You can increase customer loyalty and enthusiasm about your business by making their efforts worthwhile. Donate to a cause in your community they will feel supportive of as well. You can even donate the printing of stickers (remember its low cost) for a worthwhile cause or charity. They can even be distributed along with your own stickers.

Finally, promotional stickers are effective sales tools that are hugely untapped. They are a creative, low-cost medium not only reach new customers but to cement the loyalty of your existing customers.