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The dead of summer isn't always considered a prime marketing season, but for industrious marketers Independence Day promotions can yield incredible returns on investment. When asked what sells on Independence Day, some would reply with holiday-related mainstays such as fireworks, American flags, cookout/party supplies, Uncle Sam hats and other patriotic merchandise. All of these sell well around the Fourth of July, but the real answer to the question of what customers buy on Independence Day is ... everything. Thus, the more important question to answer is how do you convince your customers that they should buy from you?
Success begins with identifying the shared characteristics of your perfect customers. These demographics dictate how you will engineer your message to resound with your audience. You should know data such as age, gender, income and location; but you should also know your target audience's desires, goals, dreams, problems and personalities. Your goal is to figure out how you can somehow fill a void in your customers' lives by providing a benefit, solving a problem or otherwise improving life quality. Once you know your customers, you can more easily determine which products or services you offer that they'll be likely to buy on the Fourth of July. Craft a compelling message infused with an incredible offer and call to action to grab attention and earn a response for return on investment.
Next, make a mailing list comprised of likely buyers so you can launch a direct direct-mail print marketing campaign. Design postcards, catalogs, brochures and/or booklets to mail to potential customers. Begin your direct-mail campaign four to six weeks early so you can catch the early bird shoppers, and send a second and third mailing as the day of your sale or event approaches. Since repetition is key to both branding and direct sales, you should supplement your direct-mail marketing campaign with poster, flyer, banner, and/or door hanger printing and distribution. Just like you have to develop a mailing list, you also have to employ intelligent placement strategies so your customers are likely to see your marketing materials. You can also take out newspaper advertisements, print newspaper and magazine inserts, purchase television and radio ads, and advertise online. In fact, a well-rounded Independence Day marketing campaign might employ each of these strategies in tandem so that they work together to boost sales.
Carefully plan your entire campaign before you launch anything. Print Independence Day marketing materials on high-quality papers with high-quality inks. Hire a talented designer and copywriter to help you stand out from the pack. Develop an incredible offer that your customers can't refuse. Track results so you can fine-tune future Fourth of July campaigns. And above all else, market early and often to increase visibility. Knowing why customers buy on the Fourth of July is of much greater importance than knowing what they buy. All else being equal, customers buy on Independence Day because they know you have what they want. And the only way to make sure your customers know you have what they want is to market directly to them.