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Direct-mail marketing services can be a major boon to business both small and large seeking economical ways to reach a large number of their target customer base and earn a hefty return on investment. The following details what you need to know about direct mailing services to ensure you're getting the most bang for your marketing buck.
Not all are created equal
Get a list, take my postcards, address them, stamp them and mail them – doesn't sound too difficult, does it? Despite its implied simplicity, direct mailing isn't as cut and dry as it sounds. There are good companies and not-so-good companies in this business. There are even unscrupulous companies; in fact, long ago marketers began placing “dummy addresses” on their mailing lists so they could check to see that their campaigns were indeed delivered. Always make sure your chosen direct-mail provider has a strong track record of customer satisfaction before you send your money.
Good direct mailing service providers know what they're doing
When you do find a good direct mailing service, you can generally trust their advice as it’s based on years of experience. Go to them for advice on postage, which represents the biggest investment of any direct-mail campaign. They can help you identify standard sizes and weight limits for a variety of mediums, including postcards, brochures, packages and more, so you can be sure you're getting the best deal for your money. In fact, you should start talking to your direct-mail service before you begin designing your promotions so you can get the sizing down pat.
Direct mailing services can get you lists
If you don't have a list, some direct mailing services have list generation services that allow you to answer a series of prompts that defines your target customer base, then searches a huge database that pulls names and addresses of those who meet your demographics. This means you can have a highly targeted mailing list of individuals or businesses who meet the criteria of your star customer, vastly increasing the chance your campaign will be a success.
Direct mailing services can save you a lot of money
All in all, direct mailing services can save you a lot of money. They handle the Indicia, so you don't have to pay for that. They also handle all the address printing, stamping, sealing, and mailing – all time-consuming activities that would take you away from your job or would cost a fortune to have an employee do. Direct mail lists also increase your return on investment by finding targeted customers, and you have a more professional look, which leads to credibility and ultimately sales
However, direct mail can't do it alone
You have to give your direct-mail service a good mailer to start with if you want to achieve the best results. If your marketing materials command attention and incorporate feature lists, time-limited offer and calls to action, your direct-mail marketing campaign will be primed for success.