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Banners are an awesome way to market your company to many members of your target audience in one shot. They're the perfect way for businesses to get noticed because banners are naturally attractive: they're large, so the human eye is easily persuaded to take a closer look. Today's large banner printing technology has eradicated the bygone days of simple two-toned, block letter banners. Instead, you can regale potential customers with artistic banners that are sure to not only get attention, but to retain it and motivate action. Read on for unique design ideas for banners you can use in your own marketing campaigns.
Many designers ignore the attention-getting prowess of a vertical banner layout, even though it's one of the easiest ways to add appeal to your design. Customers react to vertical banners, which add an air of prestige and even legitimacy to your pitch. Vertical banners also save space, so they can be used in places that horizontal banners would be difficult to hang: They can be hung on stands inside shops, off of utility poles, on walls and windows, and just about anywhere else. In a world where most of our architecture is vertical, vertical banners are an eye-catching fit you can deploy anywhere.
Instead of printing one banner, why not print two that you can use in tandem with each other? This is a unique banner design idea you might have seen employed on municipality utility poles, where one half of a banner combination is on one side of the pole and the second half is on the other side. One reason for designing split banners is to separate your message from your graphics so that both are distinct, yet cohesive for more appeal. If you are designing banners to promote a stage show, you might design a banner with a large image of one of the actors in character. The other banner would include information such as venue, show dates, times, and a number or URL for ticket reservations.
When you include a close-up shot or illustration of something uniquely relevant to your audience, you demonstrate that you share an understanding with them and therefore establish credibility. If you're marketing your services at a web development trade show you might, for example, design a banner that has an up-close screenshot of a slab of PHP code to attract coders to see what you have to say.
Similar to split banners, but separated for effect, sequential banners are the professional equivalent of those hand-painted roadside signs that say: "Florida oranges ... $5 basket ... 2 miles ahead ... Florida oranges 1 mile ahead ... only half a mile now ... turn here!" Sequential banners can be used in many applications, from tourist "road signs" to a branded marketing campaign where it seems that no matter where your audience turns, your banner advertisement is right there. Make them similar in style yet individually unique, and you'll earn a special spot in your customers' memories and entice them to take immediate or future action.