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Invitation printing or store-bought invitations? The question has crossed many a mind, from marketers and promoters to people who are simply inviting guests to attend special celebrations for weddings, graduations, showers, confirmations and other events. The answer is rather simple: Invitation printing is always better than store-bought invitations, bar none. This stance isn't just taken from a printer's perspective, either. There are several reasons that support the notion that invitation printing is a superior method of communication, starting with the fact that custom design and printing turns an ordinary run-of-the-mill invitation into a remarkable keepsake that shows the recipient you care. Whether you're a marketer who is trying to get potential customers to an event or a mom who is proud of her child's pending graduation or wedding, custom invitation printing respectively makes it easier to get attention and commemorate one of life's most important events.
Printing offers customization
Custom design sets you apart or creates a special aura, but there are more benefits to custom invitation printing as well. First and foremost, custom invitation printing provides the freedom to send the perfect message to your recipients. You're not limited by what others have felt should be included on, say, a wedding invitation. It is your message, after all, and there's no reason you should settle for a quip that some copywriter thinks works well enough for the masses to be mass produced and sold. Not for something as important as your celebration.
Printing saves time
Invitation printing also saves time: All you have to do is design it once and upload your file to your printing company. PsPrint will even stuff your invitations into matching envelopes and address and send them for you. Store-bought invitations mean you have to spend time tediously signing, addressing, and stamping your invitations and make a trip to the post office to send them.
Printing offers more choices
Custom invitation printing means you can choose between professional papers such as super-thick 16-point C2S glossy cover stock, 14-point C1S glossy/writable cover stock and 13-point eco-friendly recycled matte cover stock. You can also have your invitations UV coated for extra sheen and long-term durability, choose from sizes between 7-inch by 5-inch and 13-inch by 17-inch, and even add an elegant and shiny foil stamp to add a touch of class or prestige to your event. Deciding whether to purchase custom invitation printing or to buy store-bought invitations comes down to having the freedom to craft the perfect way to deliver your special message. Blank lines are certainly not as elegant as custom printing, so invitation printing is the right choice hands-down. It simply provides more opportunities for you to make your invitation, your invitation.
The printing price is right
Best of all, custom invitation printing is comparable in cost to store-bought invitations; which means you can get a better quality personalized product for about the same price you'd pay for a mass-produced copy that fits the mold rather than breaks it.