
How to Use Stickers to Measure Your Market

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Promotional stickers can be a great way not only to market your business and introduce your product or your service, but they can also be used to measure interest before, during and after your advertising campaign. Unlike the other direct-mail pieces such as print ads, brochures and even your business cards, stickers have a measurable residual effect and measurable brand advocacy. While your next customers might not know your location, they are sure to know your name, slogan, logo or your website address, even if they saw your sticker on someone else's car bumper, backpack or laptop. Stickers are memorable advertising tools to establish your business to a new market and cement the loyalty of your current customers in a measurable way. Below are some indispensable tips to measure your market using promotional stickers while you distribute them:

Use stickers to start or build your mailing list

Stickers are an easy way to urge your current customers and potential customers to provide contact information and even more valuable demographic information. Offer your eye-catching stickers as a reward for filling out a short survey. This method of engaging your market is an even more effective response mechanism than a business reply card provided in thank-you letters sent after a sale that most customers ignore.

Use your stickers to promote your website

resources imagePromotional stickers can be used effectively with your website. First, you can promote your website URL on the sticker itself. You should choose a unique URL, so you can efficiently measure the traffic the sticker drives. Instead of your conventional URL, try using or Remember, you are measuring not only the people you distribute the stickers to but also everyone who has seen it, including someone who casually comes across it in a parking lot on a stranger's car bumper.

Use your website to distribute your stickers

You can also distribute your stickers through your website. Again, use the sticker as a reward for providing valuable contact information from your customer. An eye-catching sticker is helpful motivation for requesting your catalog or brochure. What's more, it is a non-obtrusive way of asking for someone's mailing address since the sticker needs to be sent out. In addition, it might even motivate your customer to drop by your business the next time they are in the area to pick up a sticker. You would be surprised how encouraging an eye-catching sticker can be.