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What Customers Buy on Memorial Day

resources image It's the million-dollar question, and knowing the answer to that question can certainly make you millions: what do customers buy on Memorial Day? Some might answer that they buy cookout supplies, and they would be right yet incomplete. The actual answer is that customers buy everything on Memorial Day. That's why nearly every industry has Memorial Day sales. Thus, the real question to answer is not what customers buy on Memorial Day, but why they buy on Memorial Day. And the answer - the one that will make you millions if you heed its advice - is that customers buy on Memorial Day just as they would any other day of the year.

Solve a problem

First, you have to provide a product or service that solves a problem or somehow makes life better for the buyer. People buy plumbing services because there is a problem they need fixed. The problem is utilitarian. They buy new T-shirts because they believe they look good in them, and it will get a positive response from friends or loved ones. The problem, or the thing they're trying to make better, is self-image. People buy fast food because they're hungry, they don't want to cook or don't have time to, and they want something that tastes delicious. The problem is both utilitarian and self-serving. Being able to solve a problem isn't enough. Your competitors can also solve problems. Being able to solve problems better than your competition is imperative. You might be better than your competition because you are a faster plumber that offers 30-day follow-up support, or you might make T-shirts out of ultra-comfortable Egyptian cotton, or you might make your fast food out of fresh organic foods.

Do you have the best price?

You might also be better than your competition based on price. This does not necessarily mean that you have to have the lowest price, though in some markets that's the case. Typically, though, customers go for the company with the highest perceived value for the dollar.

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Let's say, for example, that you run a web design firm and you charge, on average, $5,000 to design and develop a website. Now, let's say your competitors offer a similar service, charge $2,000 more, but offer free support for two years. Which do you think is better value? If you were a small business that needed to be able to rely on your website, which company would you choose? If you're like most businesses interested in making an investment that will help their businesses grow, you're happy to spend a little more to get more value for your purchase. Many of your customers feel that same about your industry.

Establish trust

You also have to establish trust and credibility. Sweeten the deal by backing up your benefits claims with proven, verifiable results, testimonials, premium printing, and third-party reviews and awards. Perhaps even more important is your offer; since the more powerful your special offer - whether it be a discount, a freebie, a service add-on or something else entirely - the more powerful your pitch. And, of course, no one is going to buy from you on Memorial Day if they don't know you're there or that you have an incredible can't-refuse sales offer. So get ready well in advance by printing and distributing postcards, flyers, catalogs, brochures, posters, and other print marketing materials.